Tuesday, October 4, 2011


At the end of my time in Seoul my parents came to meet me for two weeks. We did a three-day trip to Jeju, a tropic-ish island off the southern coast of Korea. We went with a tour group and went to touristy places.

Lady gathering seafood on the sea floor (it is shallow)

Top of a volcano!

We went to a garden. The whole place used to be rocks before a guy cultivated it.


Kimono fish in the middle

Carefully pruned trees

Not sure if chimney or decorative tower

Hike along the coast

I went on top of that warty land mass on the right later

Boat ride

It's supposed to be a walrus

Red due to iron in dirt

Volcanic island

Ladies selling seafood

Note the hammer used to break open the shells

They call it the 'Grand Canyon' of Korea


Tiny mussels the size of your pinky finger

Obligatory cheesy ad

Hike number 2 to the top of a volcano

That is the top of a volcano

It was crowded with Chinese tourists

Rainbow. That's in DC

Going to Europe tomorrow! Starting out in London, doing some wwoofing further up north, then Ireland, Amsterdam, Germany, Switzerland, and France is the plan. Be back in December. I'm not taking my computer so won't be blogging too much but will post pics up in oh two months.

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